Soil moisture and potassium amount could improve potassium content of palisade tissue and spongy tissue. 土壤水分和钾用量能提高叶片栅栏组织和海绵组织的含钾量。
Results The stomata, rang of palisade tissue in leaves and distribution of xylem fiber in stem had certain identity. 结果叶片气孔轴式、栅栏组织的排列、细胞内容物、茎中木纤维的分布具有一定的鉴别特征。
There were evident differences in thickness of epidermis and tissue structures of cuticle, papilla, palisade tissue, spongy tissue and vascular cylinder among tender leaves, mature leaves and aged leaves. 结果表明嫩叶、成熟叶和老熟叶在上下表皮厚度、角质层、乳突状突起及栅栏组织、海绵组织和维管束的显微结构上存在明显差别。
The change in leaf thickness is highly correlated with the thickness of palisade tissue. 叶厚度与栅栏组织厚度呈高度相关。
Water-storing tissues with large cells were seen central to the palisade tissue. 栅栏组织层里面,则为具有大细胞的贮水组织,其细胞中有大的液泡。
Both side of the lamina are palisade tissue in some populations. 输导组织和机械组织发达;
There are 1-2 layer cells in palisade tissue. 栅栏组织1~2层细胞;
The laminae of Sesamum indicum has a layer palisade tissue cells, and has 3-4 layers spongy tissue cells. 芝麻叶片栅栏组织有1层细胞,海绵组织有3~4层细胞。
The wider palisade tissue cell was, the better the growth and development of larvae was. 栅栏组织细胞宽度越大,对幼虫生长发育越有利;
The thickness of palisade tissue had strikingly negative relationship with the increment of trunk girth. 栅栏组织厚度与干周生长量显著负相关;
The thickness and cell layers of palisade tissue were consistent with the thickness of leaf. 栅栏组织的厚度和层数与叶片的厚度趋势一致。
Thick of palisade tissue, but veins is same. 栅栏组织较厚,叶脉则无明显差异。
Some of characters, such as lamina thickness and width, the number of upper epidermis cell, stomata index, the lower epidermis thickness, palisade tissue thickness and sponge tissue thickness, are more variational. 两者叶片的厚度和宽度、上表皮细胞个数、气孔指数、下表皮厚度、栅栏细胞厚度、海绵组织厚度之间差异显著;
The results also prove that the expanding occurs mainly in the palisade tissue and upper surface epidermal cells, and it is the cells rather than the interstice of cells that have been expanded. 同时也证明了烟丝膨胀主要发生在栅栏组织及上表皮细胞,且呈现出细胞胀大,而细胞间隙则无胀大的现象。
Its palisade tissue is composed of 1~ 2 layers of cylindrical cells. 叶肉组织发达,栅栏组织由1~2层排列整齐的圆柱形细胞构成;
Whereas, the stomas of the upper epidermis of the thin-leave type settle strongly, there are no dividing between palisade tissue and spongy tissue in the diachyma, the vascular bundle sheath consists of lignification and suberin cells. 细叶型的叶上表皮气孔强烈下陷,叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织的区别,由木质化或栓质化细胞形成维管束鞘。
The mesophyll mainly consists of palisade tissue. 叶肉主要为栅栏组织。
Mesophyll cells of palisade tissue and spongy tissue. 叶肉细胞分化出栅栏组织和海绵组织。
Research shows that Oriental arborvitae blade cuticle developed, palisade tissue ratio is high, leaf epidermal thicker. 研究表明侧柏叶片角质层发达,栅栏组织所占比例高,叶片表皮较厚。
Bud under the third leaf mesophyll differentiation has become more complete, palisade tissue and spongy tissue Obviously, the palisade tissue cells close, 2~ 3 layers of spongy tissue cells loose the larger gap. 芽下第三叶的叶肉分化已经趋于完全,栅栏组织和海绵组织明显,栅栏组织的细胞排列紧密,有2~3层,海绵组织的细胞排列松散,细胞间隙较大。
The leaf corneum of Cerasus szechuanica was the thickest, mesophyll and palisade tissue were thick. 四川樱桃的叶片角质层最厚,叶肉和栅栏组织较厚。
Normal seedling leaves were thicker, palisade tissue presented slender columnar, and cells arranged in order. 正常苗叶片较厚,栅栏组织细胞为长柱状,排列较为整齐。
There are mainly in the palisade tissue and spongy tissue of leaves and pith and pith ray of stems and phloem and pith ray of root. 在叶中,皂苷类成分主要存在于叶肉的栅栏组织和海绵组织;在茎中,主要存在于韧皮部、髓和髓射线中;在根中,主要存在于韧皮部和髓射线中。
Palisade tissue were slender cylindrical, 1~ 2 layers, irregularly shaped spongy tissue cells, with sparse. 栅栏组织呈细长圆柱形,有1~2层,海绵组织细胞形状不规则,排列稀疏。
Under the second leaf buds had differentiated mesophyll palisade tissue and spongy tissue. 芽下第二叶的叶肉已经分化出栅栏组织和海绵组织。
The common characteristics of four mutants in leaf anatomy is the mesophyll cells are mostly short column cells, the cells of palisade tissue and spongy tissue are loosely arranged. 这四种黄化突变体叶片解剖的共性特征是:叶肉细胞多为短柱状细胞,栅栏组织排列不紧密,海绵组织细胞间隙较大、结构松散。
The thicknesses of palisade tissue and leaves could be morphological structure indexes of cold resistance. 栅栏组织厚度和叶片总厚度可作为鉴定核桃叶片抗寒性的形态结构指标。
The mesophyll was composed of palisade tissue, spongy tissue and ventilating tissue. 叶肉由栅栏组织、海绵组织和通气组织组成,通气组织非常发达。
Leaf margin having stronger palisade tissue showed that it has the ability of drought tolerance. 叶缘中栅栏组织发达,表明其具有一定的抗旱能力。